Remembering our friends.

Elaine Norton has thoughtfully compiled a list of items and plantings on lake property that had been donated to the Ericson Lake Corporation over the years in tribute to some of our wonderful friends at Lake Ericson:

Bench: In Memory of Willa Scudder, our long-time friend, Alfreda Baker and Bonnie Owen

Rosebud Tree: In memory of Scud; donated by Lake Ericson Garden Club

The Handicap Fishing Pier/Garden: This has been dedicated by their family in loving memory of Ray and Myrtle Young of Albion, NE; July 4, 2003; Donated by Bev and Wayne Buller

Bench: In Memory of W.W. Norton, C. H. Norton, W.H. Norton…Long time cabin owners who considered the Lake a little slice of heaven. Donated by Jim and Elaine Norton

Bench: Honoring the Lake Ericson Garden Club -A small group that made a big difference; 1996-2006. Officers: Elaine Norton, President; Bev Buller, Secretary; Mary Watson, Treasurer; Bonnie Owen, Membership; Alfreda Baker, Membership/Auditor


Rosebud Tree: In memory of Buck Watson; donated by Lake Ericson Garden Club

Bench: In memory of Gordon Patterson, owner of cabin called the Great White Whale; 1963-2000; donated by his loving family

Bench: In memory of Audrey Dodson, cabin owner 1920-1930 and Betty Whitney, Lifeguard 1930-1940; donated by Sharon and Willis Knake and Family


3 trees: In memory of W. H. Norton; donated by Margaret Norton and Lake Ericson Garden Club


Evergreen tree: In memory of Doug Johnson; donated by Rose and Clifford Johnson


The land for the park was donated by the Levander Family, and it is now cared for by the Gerald and Mary Henn Family.